“Self-Care” for the Busy Mom: Mind

I’m often guilty of googling a lot of really random things trying to find blogs or articles with good life hacks or just overall good suggestions if I feel like I could be doing something easier. A lot of times I’ll add in the tags “working mom” or “busy mom” because I want to know that what I’m looking for…
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Paper Towel Alternatives During a Pandemic

This is an interesting time we are currently living in. As many of us have, I’ve been watching the progress of what’s happening around the world. It has been fascinating to see what is being “hoarded” from my local stores and some of it is just befuddling to me. That is why I want to discuss the “hoarding” of paper…
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Creating a Not-To-Do List

We’ve all heard and said there aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done on our to do list. And, it seems that our to do lists are never-ending. At least it seems that way for me. I’m constantly scratching items off only to add new ones on. Roughly a month ago I reached the end of my…
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